Thursday, June 22, 2006

I have good friends!

I have the best friends on the planet!

Babs: you have been my best friend of (counting)...lesseee 1981?...gads!...never mind!
(don't do the math people!)

James - you aren't here anymore (dang it!) You are the keeper of knowledge. Of old and new truths. You and Babzy, you guys! You are my best mates!

Bryan-you knucklehead! Since Toronto! The minute you opened your mouth on the phone regarding the data-projector prices from the hotel, I knew that you were a total goof-ball/knucklehead of high caliber and a kindred!

Leh-you are the soul of peace, wisdom and insight. Thank you for being my friend!

Scrapes-we have been thru alot of crap. You always come out of each episode with a positive outlook and a new perspective

Ry-Man/DragonBoy - ever since you were a wee newbie to all things Mysterium you set yourself apart! There is not a one like you - you knucklehead!
A hot-head and a peaceful heart, all wrapped into one bundle.
How can such things be?
And yet, both find their home within you.
Beats the heck outta me! ;o)
...There are far to many of my beloved to name!

I am undone by the greatness of my friends.
Surrounded by their beautiful hearts, I am humbled.
I breathe in, knowing my own faults and knowing their beauty.
I exhale, knowing that I am in the company of greatness.
It is peaceful.