Sunday, February 25, 2007

There's really nothing any one can say...

so don't feel compelled to comment.
My blog is a place to rant and write.

I am so pissed.
I am so tired of people taking advantage of our family.
I am so tired of people in the church especially, being the ones who rip us off in the most blythe manner.

When a "brother" comes to me and says, "Sister/brother, I have a job for you..." let me tell you, he's no brother of mine. Its not only sad, it's criminal.

So the Church makes Stu a job offer.
They want stu to work full time PLUS, wanting a 18 month commitment at a rate of pay that is less than what he is making now and even then we would still be kept right around the legal government standard for poverty level. We live in an VERY affluent region with people who have migrated from LA and are loaded but they want to only pay minimum wage for $25 an hour work and commitment.
It is worse when it comes from the Chritians. I can not begin to tellyou how many times we have been cheated/stiffed or ripped off by so called "brothers and sisters" in the church.
Even so, God himself said that the very gates of hell will NOT prevail against the power of His Church, but the modern American Church is very far from His original intent, I have a feeling.

So Stu has decided to take this position and its resulting less pay and greater demands. They dangle the insurance carrot in front of his face and I told him tell them to screw that! We'll take the cash thenk you very much. What is health insurance when you are scraping to by shoes and food and trying to figure out what to buy for the kids school lunches so they don't look weird in front of their classmates and how to make that pound of ground turkey go further.

I am so angry that he is taking this job lock-stock-and-barrel.
After 20+ years of his settling for a less than poverty level wage, I think I am about at the end of my patience. In two years, if they church has not coughed up the proper wage, then they can look for some one else to cheat.

Stu unloaded this decision on me today.
Funny...but this bible verse that I haven't thot of in years, came rattling around my brain this week and I kept going, "ok God. Yeah. Uh why are you reminding me of this?"
Now I know.
The verse is this:
"The worker is worthy of his hire."
God even says peopel deserve to be payed a fare wage. From the slave to the Priest.
I am kinda pissed and ranting now.
But this is my own personal space to do that.
I am a verbal processor.
I may come back in a week or a month and say, "everything I wrote on this day was all bull and here's why..." but today isn't that day, and I am pissed.

It is like people who come along side and say what a wonderful job you do and how much they love you and then they turn aroudn and slap you when you aren't looking.

I am gonna go for a drive.

I am tired of my kids not being able to go to a movie with their friends.
I am tired of financial aid.
I am tired of people "helping us out" because we can't make this or that medical bill.
After 20 years of it, I am just tired of it.
And yet I know what God has said to me so many times," Michelle, if you can't accept help from my children = your brothers and sisters, then how can you accept help from Me?" Of course in some ways that concept can go extremem and become completely unscriptural, but in a mild sense there is some illustrative value to it. We are not the masters of our own destiny. We are not in control of our lives. There is a God and we are not Him. He IS intimiately involved in every single thought we have and He is concered for our welfare. Yes, He can change the world and its horrid condition in the blink of an eye. He already consumed it once in a cataclysmic flood that wiped out almost all life on the planet. Yes He could just be done with it. Except I think His mercy is greater that we know. HE says that He is not willing that ANY persih. This would include the evil doer. YEs, The good do die young frequently. God's grace is not limited to the good or the decent people who basically try to live a good life. His mercy is for those who know they suck, For those who are 100% debauched 100%^ of the time and have no hope of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. The phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is complete and utter bull. Few statements are further from the truth. God helps those who are incapable fo helping themselves. In fact, we limit His ability to help us when we adopt the perspective of being able to offer Him anything at all. People say, "Christ died for us, so we owe HIm everything." I think this is equally untrue. It is like telling Him, "Oh, thanks for making the down payment, I will go ahead and make the rest of the installments now." Stupid. Did He say that He payed for ALL of our sins? Did He say, while He was still hanging there on the cross, "it is finished?" Not " ok my part is done now." All He requires of us is to acknowledge what He has done for us, acknowledge our helplessness, and live with that knowledge as the basis for every action everyday. An attitude of thankfulness that makes us want to communicate with Him through out the day and find ways to live the way HE wants us to out of thanksfulness and love. When you truly love some one, you want to please them. You want them to be happy. You don't do it because you are "Supposed to."

Anyway...this went pretty far afield, but it is my blog, and I don't expect any body to read thorugh this tome all the way. If you've gotten through to this part you are either made of hardy stuff, or you are very bored and I would say go out and take a walk or read a book.

This weeks' moving update:
Scout has now gravitated from Wales and from the Midlands region to considering the Oxford area. She is wanting to get a jump on her college, by taking writing courses at the community college here, while still in highschool so that she can maybe go to a really good university eventually and study writing and lit.
If she is even contemplating soemthing akin to Oxford caliber she will need to get a jump on it.
And she is just the girl to do it.